This collection of courses introduces the eight-dimensional space that defines the scope of current and future research, education, and applications in neurotechnology. It focuses on empirical and clinical neuroscience.
Empirical and clinical neuroscience
Empirical and clinical neuroscience relies on the continuous advancements in neuroscience technologies, leading to an exponential increase in data generation. This field emphasizes the correlation between specific manipulations and observed brain states over hypothesis-driven research on brain organization principles. For example, deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson’s disease has revolutionized treatment for patients unresponsive to medication, showcasing neurotechnology's transformative impact in clinical settings.
Example: The use of DBS in Parkinson’s disease patients, where electrodes implanted in the brain alleviate symptoms by electrically stimulating targeted brain areas.
Courses in Campus+
Number of courses: 2-
Cognitive Science & Psychology: Mind, Brain, and Behavior Level: AdvancedUniversity: NeurotechEU
The intersection of cognitive neuroscience and psychology, starting with a good basis of definitions for intelligence, artificial intelligence, Turing hypothesis and neural networks.
Current Methods in Neurotechnology Level: IntroductoryUniversity:
Current trends in modern techniques in neuroscience.