Theoretical neuroscience

Purpose of the collection
This collection of courses introduces the eight-dimensional space that defines the scope of current and future research, education, and applications in neurotechnology. It focuses on Theoretical neuroscience .
Theoretical neuroscience
Theoretical neuroscience provides the foundation for developing and deploying neurotechnologies by elucidating the organizational principles of the mind and brain. This field bridges empirical neuroscience and technology through computational models that predict and explain brain functions.
Example: Models of visual processing in the brain help improve computer vision systems, enabling technologies like facial recognition and autonomous vehicles.
Courses in TrainingSpace
These are non-credit courses on the INCF TrainingSpace.
Number of courses: 2-
Calcium Imaging Level: 2 MediumIn this course, you will learn about working with calcium-imaging data, including image processing to remove background "blur", identifying cells based on threshold spatial contiguity, time-series filtering, and principal component analysis (PCA). The MATLAB code shows data animations, capabilities of the image processing toolbox, and PCA.
fMRI Level: 2 MediumThis module covers fMRI data, including creating and interpreting flatmaps, exploring variability and average responses, and visual eccenticity. You will learn about processing BOLD signals, trial-averaging, and t-tests. The MATLAB code introduces data animations, multicolor visualizations, and linear indexing.