Foundations of Machine Learning in Python
Course designed for advanced learners interested in understanding the foundations of Machine Learning in Python.

Institution: High-Performance Computing and Analytics Lab, University of Bonn
Course Level: Advanced e.g. 3rd year B.Sc. or M.Sc. 4 Expert e.g. Ph.D level
Language: English Workload [hours and ECTS]: ca. 120 hours
Requirements for participation: Basic Python knowledge e.g. from
Number of lessons: 15-
Elena Trunz
Introduction of the Foundations of Machine Learning in Python course - Day 01.
High-Performance Computing and Analytics Lab, University of Bonn
Moritz Wolter
Optimization for machine learning - Day 02 lecture of the Foundations of Machine Learning in Python course.
High-Performance Computing and Analytics Lab, University of Bonn
Moritz Wolter
Linear Algebra for Machine Learning - Day 03 lecture of the Foundations of Machine Learning in Python course.
High-Performance Computing and Analytics Lab, University of Bonn
Moritz Wolter
Statistics for Machine Learning - Day 04 lecture of the Foundations of Machine Learning in Python course.
High-Performance Computing and Analytics Lab, University of Bonn
Elena Trunz
Statistics for Machine Learning - Day 05 lecture of the Foundations of Machine Learning in Python course.
High-Performance Computing and Analytics Lab, University of Bonn
Elena Trunz
Statistics for Machine Learning - Day 05 lecture of the Foundations of Machine Learning in Python course.
Support Vector Machines - Day 06 lecture of the Foundations of Machine Learning in Python course.…
Elena Trunz
Decision Trees and Random Forests - Day 07 lecture of the Foundations of Machine Learning in Python course.
High-Performance Computing and Analytics Lab, University of Bonn
Elena Trunz
Clustering and Density Estimation - Day 08 lecture of the Foundations of Machine Learning in Python course.
High-Performance Computing and Analytics Lab, University of Bonn
Elena Trunz
Dimensionality Reduction - Day 09 lecture of the Foundations of Machine Learning in Python course.
High-Performance Computing and Analytics Lab, University of Bonn
Elena Trunz
Introduction to Neural Networks - Day 10 lecture of the Foundations of Machine Learning in Python course.
High-Performance Computing and Analytics Lab, University of Bonn
Moritz Wolter
Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks - Day 11 lecture of the Foundations of Machine Learning in Python course.
High-Performance Computing and Analytics Lab, University of Bonn
Moritz Wolter
Initialization, Optimization, and Regularization - Day 12 lecture of the Foundations of Machine Learning in Python course.
High-Performance Computing and Analytics Lab, University of Bonn
Moritz Wolter
U-Nets for medical Image-Segmentation - Day 13 lecture of the Foundations of Machine Learning in Python course.
High-Performance Computing and Analytics Lab, University of Bonn
Moritz Wolter
Explaining neural networks - Day 14 lecture of the Foundations of Machine Learning in Python course.
High-Performance Computing and Analytics Lab, University of Bonn
Moritz Wolter
Sequence Processing - Day 15 lecture of the Foundations of Machine Learning in Python course.
High-Performance Computing and Analytics Lab, University of Bonn