The Interplay Between Neuro-Infections and Neurodegenerative Diseases
This course has the main general purpose of connecting two topics, or disease types, which are generally known by the scientific community to be completely distant from each other, such as Infections of the Central Nervous System (Neuro-Infections) and neurodegenerative diseases/dementia.
Students should gain knowledge on the common neuroinflammatory processes and molecular mechanisms of neuronal damage that are common between neurodegenerative diseases and Central Nervous System infections. These learning outcomes reflect the purpose of the course, which is of shedding light into the interplay between dementia/neurodegenerative disease and infections and try to understand the molecular biology that connects these two types of brain disease.
- Understanding the common molecular processes of neuronal damage between CNS infections and neurodegenerative diseases
- Understanding the common neuroinflammatory events between CNS infections and neurodegenerative diseases
- Designing an analysis using national registry databases
Background in Biomedicine/Biomedical Science/Molecular Medicine