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This workshop provides a hands-on learning experience with a focus on a wider variety of AI tools, their ethical implications and their practical applications. The aim is to facilitate the responsible and efficient use of AI-based tools in research and academia.
- Understand the importance of using AI in research and academia and assess the benefits and risks involved
- Craft effective prompts for your research tasks
- Develop strategies to integrate AI tools into your research workflow
- Stay informed about and adapt to new developments in the field of AI
At the end of the workshop, you will receive a list of generative AI prompts useful in research and academia. There will be practice sessions during the workshop for which you will need access to AI tools, particularly ChatGPT/GPT-4o. If you do not have an account with ChatGPT/GPT-4o, alternatives like Microsoft Copilot, Google Bard or Claude.ai could also be used.

Topics covered include:
- Hearing and speech perception and associated disorders (e.g., hearing loss, deafness, tinnitus)
- Vestibular function and associated disorders
- Objective electrophysiological measures: auditory and/or vestibular evoked responses (ECochG, BERA, ASSR, CERA, VEMP)
- Behavioural experiments (psychoacoustics)
- Principles of hearing rehabilitation with neural prostheses, i.e., cochlear implants
- Research methods in audiology/auditory neuroscience
- Application of methodology (in patients, if possible)
- How to design and conduct research projects

Topics covered include:
- Computational design strategies
- Differential equations
- Programming in Python
- Data analysis

Topics covered include:
- Experimental design strategies
- Fluorescent immuno-histochemistry
- Confocal Microscopy
- Intra-vital Microscopy (e.g. two-photon, three-photon, 2P-STED, ...)
- Data analysis
- Behaviour

Topics covered include:
- Tissue isolation and cryosectioning
- Immunofluorescent staining/Western blots
- Tissue isolation and cryosectioning
- Imaging (e.g. Confocal microscopy, Slide scanner etc.)
- (Semi-) automated image anaylsis (e.g. Fiji, machine learning based analysis)

Topics covered include:
- Coding: basic concepts, practical training, testing
- Foundations of sensor technologies
- Foundations of Bluetooth communication
- Usage of advanced programming interfaces (APIs)
- Analysis of time series data
- Introduction to machine learning techniques

Topics covered include:
- CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing in mammalian cell lines
- CRISPRoff genome editing tools to modify activity of gene promoters
- Cloning of promoter regions and relevant proteins into reporter gene and mammalian expression vectors
- Reporter gene assays to measure activity of gene promoters or unknown DNA sequences using plate luminometer
- Chemical modification of genomic DNA for DNA methylation analysis
- Pyrosequencing for detection and quantification of DNA methylation
- Chromatin preparation and chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis
- Standard PCR and quantitative reverse transcription PCR analysis
- Transfection and expression of relevant proteins in mammalian cells
- Western blotting for protein analysis

Topics covered include:
- rAAV-guided engram labeling techniques (Cal-Light, SomCal-Light, FLARE)
- Tissue engineering (FluoClearBABB, ExM)
- Large-field superresolution microscopy
- AI-guided behavioral classification
- Multifactorial behavioral classification

Topics covered include:
- Histological preparation of rodent sensory organs
- Immunohistochemistry on mole-rat and mouse neuronal tissues
- 3D histology using tissue clearing
- Fluorescence microscopy, Light sheet microscopy
- Behavioural assessment of magnetic orientation under controlled conditions

Topics covered include:
- Assessment of memory and imagination in patients with neurodegenerative dementias and related to aphantasia
- Rating of patients’ memory reports
- Analysis of patient data
- Writing summary reports

Topics covered include:
- animal models to study epileptogenesis
- *omics analyses of human epileptic specimen
- Screening analyses for classical auto-antibodies and new candidates inpatients suspicious for limbic encephalitis
- Analyzing the functional role of patient-derived auto-antibodies in epilepsy in vitro und in vivo
- Analyzing synchronous network activity in vitro (multi electrode array; MEA)
- CrispR-Cas systems to interfere with epileptogenesis
- Generation of animal models to study limbic encephalitis
- Neuropathology in experimental LE

Topics covered include:
- Hypothesis driven planning and design of experiments for research project
- Cloning, colony cracking and transfection
- Cell culture and life cell imaging
- Imaging and data analysis
- Application of techniques depend on individual working plan

Topics covered include:
- How to design, code (C#, Unity) and conduct virtual reality experiments
- How to record, time-sync and real-time access physiological data streams during virtual reality experiments (based on LabStreamingLayer)
- How to analyse psychophysiological data (e.g.: wireless EEG, EMG, EDA, HRV or Eyetracking), using common Matlab-packages such as EEGLAB or LEDALAB

Topics covered inlude:
- Cognitive neuroscience of social perception and cognition
- Dysfunctions of social perception and cognition
- Research methods in social neuroscience (signal detection theory; metacognition; experimental psychology; classification methods)
- Experimental design

Students will have the opportunity to:
- work with various model systems (e.g. different cell lines, C. elegans and tissue from transgenic mice
- perform different biochemical analysis assays (e.g. Western blot, RT-PCR)
- immunohistechemical stainings and confocal imaging
In addition to hands-on practical methods, students will attend scientific lectures and seminars.

Topics covered include:
- Basic fluorescence microscopy
- Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM), 2P excitation
- Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)
- Stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (d-STORM)
- 3D-Electron microscopy, focused-ion beam (FIB) milling and scanning EM, specimen preparation and embedding.

Topics covered include:
- Reconstruction of neuron morphologies
- Histological preparation of brain tissue
- Electrophysiological recordings of single neurons in vivo
- Simulations of cellular function via multi-compartmental neuron models

This course covers acquisition and advanced analysis of MRI-data in clinical research including scanning
routines, tractography, tract-based spatial statistics, voxel-based morphometry and
support machine vector programming.

Topics covered include:
- mechanisms of neuron-astrocyte signal exchange in the hippocampus and their relevance for synaptic transmission and its plasticity, for hippocampus-dependent cognitive processes and behaviors such as spatial navigation
- research methods will be selected from:
- multiphoton fluorescence imaging and its applications for studying astrocyte/neuron signaling (e.g. Ca2+ imaging) and structural plasticity
- advanced imaging techniques of optical indicators (e.g. FRET, FLIM) and indicator development (e.g. in HEK cells, acute brain slices)
- electrophysiological methods like the patch clamp technique
- super-resolution microscopy (expansion microscopy)
- introduction to behavioral analyses (e.g. spatial memory, machine-learning based analysis)

Topics covered include:
- Principles of optogenetic Actuators
- Cell-type specific expression techniques for optogenetic actuators
- Technologies to achieve light-based optogenetic Stimulation in-vitro and in-vivo
- Combination of optogenetic techniques with patch-clamp techniques

Topics covered include:
- Mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy
- Patch clamp analysis and single cell RT-PCR
- Analysis of gap junction-mediated astrocyte coupling by tracer diffusion assays
- Analysis of seizure activity by EEG and video monitoring
- Immunoblot analysis and Real-Time PCR
- Immunohistochemical staining and confocal microscopy

Topics covered include:
- Electrophysiological recording techniques
- Design of cognitive paradigms
- Spike detection and spike sorting
- Peri-stimulus time histograms
- Data analysis and statistical evaluation

Topics covered include:
- chemical modification of genomic DNA
- assay design for targeted DNA methylation analysis
- pyrosequencing for detection of DNA methylation
- histological analyses of epigenetic modifications on histones and DNA
- functional cell assays
- glioma cell culture

Topics covered include:
- DNA isolation from human tissues
- Detection of mtDNA mutations in human samples by various PCR-based techniques
- Detection and quantification of multiple mtDNA deletion by single-molecule PCR
- mtDNA sequencing and deletion mapping

Topics covered include:
- Cloning of relevant proteins into mammalian and bacterial expression vectors
- Expression of relevant proteins in mammalian and bacterial cell culture systems (Transfection, viral transduction)
- Protein extraction from mammalian and bacterial cells
- Protein analysis - western immunoblotting, analysis of protein-protein interactions
- Analysis with immunocytochemical techniques – microscopy
- Live cell imaging

Topics covered include:
- Basics of MRI and functional MRI
- Design of psychological experiments
- Analysis of functional MRI data
- Functional Neuroanatomy

Topics covered include:
- Cloning of relevant proteins into mammalian and bacterial expression vectors
- Expression of relevant proteins in mammalian and bacterial cell culture systems
- Protein extraction from mammalian and bacterial cells – subcellular fractionation
- Protein analysis - western immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation
- Analysis with immunocytochemical techniques – microscopy

Topics covered include:
- Application of immunohistochemistry combined with tissue clearing and subsequent expansion of labeled structures
- Training in confocal fluorescence microscopy
- Ultrastructural analyses and quantification of synaptic proteins under different experimental conditions
- Exploration of synaptic structure and perisynaptic glia

Topics covered include:
- Basics of cell culture and tissue analysis
- Functional bio-assays related to neuroinflammation
- Molecular analysis of cells and tissues samples
- Flow cytometry (FACS) analyses of cells
- Confocal imaging analyses of tissue

Topics covered include:
- linear and nonlinear time series analysis methods for the characterization of complex dynamical systems
- statistical tools
- analysis of biomedical data (e.g. EEG, structural/functional MRI data)