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Prompting Techniques for Advanced Users

University of Bonn
About this course

In the workshop “Fit for AI - Prompting for advanced users” you can get to know and try out prompting tips and techniques. You will learn about prompting techniques such as Few Shot Prompting, Chain-of-Thought Prompting and others. You can try out these techniques directly on various tasks and your own examples.

Learning outcomes
  • Learning advanced prompting techniques
  • Introduction to techniques like Few Shot Prompting, Chain-of-Thought Prompting and others
  • Hands-on exercises with various tasks and personal examples
  • Opportunity to try out tips and techniques for effectively guiding AI
Prerequisites for participation

NeurotechEU members, the workshop is aimed at advanced AI enthusiasts who already have some experience with prompting, regularly use LLMs such as ChatGPT. It is necessary to state NTEU affiliation when applying for the course.

Necessary language skill
Semester(s) in which the module takes place
Winter Semester
Course type
Course level
Course dates
The course dates are yet to be announced.
Teaching mode
Person in charge of module
Human Resources Development University of Bonn
Email address